Welcome to a Victory Tips Program meeting! We are happy you’ve joined us. We would like to remind everyone of four Victory Tips meeting guidelines. To create a safe and comfortable meeting for all:
1) There is to be no interrupting, sometimes called “crosstalk.” That means, no jumping in when someone is in mid sentence, or in mid thought.
2) There is to be no criticizing of anyone. If a group leader detects someone has a critical spirit, they may mute the person or remove them from the call. We have fragile people attending our meetings and they should not be exposed to toxicity.
3) Attendees are to refrain from sharing traumatic event details during a call. If you have any to share, you can request a one-on-one meeting or a group session with the leaders to share any such experiences you feel would be helpful to talk about.
4) Confidentiality is requested. Please do not share content of attendee’s conversations nor their contact information with anyone.
5) There is to be no swearing during the call.
6) Please speak close the microphone of your device.