Donors Needed

Giving is a divine, selfless act. The main point of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that God Gave! God gave us His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin so we might be given the free gift of salvation. And because God gave, We give!

Through our daily conference calls and our one-on-one peer support counseling calls, Victory Tips sees lives changed. But to do so, it takes finances. Because we are religious based program, we don’t qualify for government funding. Thus, the financial burden falls on caring people like you and I. If you are not a Christian, we do not want you to feel any obligation to donate. But if you are a Christian, we expect you to help out financially in some way. But if you cannot, please don’t feel pressure. We are pleased to offer our services free for a time.

If you have an interest in helping people with mental health challenges, we invite you to donate monthly whatever you can afford $10, $20, $30 or more. If your church has an emphasis on helping people with mental health challenges, we ask you to consider donating to us monthly, $100, $200, $300 or more. If you use the services we offer, we ask you to donate to us. Attendance at certain online support groups can cost $5 per meeting. We ask you to consider donating whatever you can afford. If you cannot donate any money, ask us about becoming a paid peer support worker through Victory Tips. This will help you generate finances so you can contribute to the Victory Tips Program ministry.

We’d also like to ask you to consider sponsoring someone who is working through the program. Who would you like to sponsor? a teenager, a struggling person in their 20’s, a single mom, a senior? We can put you in touch with a person benefiting from your donations and you can hear first hand how the support we offer is making a difference. Contact us here about you or your church giving a donation.

For those who like to give through Patreon, click here.

To read or listen to testimonials, click here.