Deborah's Story (2015)

Almost 4yrs ago, on the rebound of a broken marriage. I felt I was starting a new chapter in my life in a new country with a man I had fallen in love with and then married.

On reflection it had been a very brief courtship and on the day we married his personality immediately appeared to change.

He became extremely angry, moody, abusive and at times threatening and violent to me. I knew he had problems, but did not know the extent of them or the possible repercussions.

A few months passed and my husband invited a male friend to live with us. This person was very large in stature and I felt intimidated by him. He made advances to me and told me unpleasant things about my husbands’ past, which unfortunately later became very evident that these stories were true.

I made every excuse to myself – until I had to accept I’d made a terrible mistake and that my husband had misled me.

My husband and his friend then started working away from home and my husband left me without food, money and support of any kind, continually blaming me, often swearing and screaming at me over the telephone. I think sometimes that his blame and my shame of having made a terrible mistake seemed harder to bear than the actual abuse.

During this desperate time I became aware of the existence of Victory Tips prayer ministry. We had daily discussions, which probably kept me alive and kept me praying.

I have no idea how they tirelessly kept this available to me, they were always encouraging me to the program manual and using different statements every day, which was extremely vital in my wellbeing.

They linked me with other similar girls on the program with shared prayer calls, this was also supportive to me.

I feel Victory Tips was paramount in me in staying alive, regaining my self esteem, confidence and greatly assisted me at a very difficult time in my life.

I found the Victory tips program literally to be a life saver.

Thank You again for your care, wisdom and sacrifice to so many.

Your ministry has certainly MADE THE DIFFERENCE.